Green Tea For The Flu is Nothing To Sneeze At
With the onset of flu season in the U.S., and continuing concerns about Covid-19, there’s no better time to consider options for the best immune defense. While some rely on annual flu vaccines, they aren’t a completely reliable solution. And, while there’s no shortage...
The Emperor’s Guard: How Green Tea Protects the Heart
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) views the heart as the master of the body and the emperor of the organ networks. It generates chi, the vital energy of the body, and thus is the root of all life1. Without a healthy heart, the body is fragile and stale. While many of...
Be Good to Your Heart with Chi Tea Green Tea Extract
It’s been well reported that heart disease significantly raises one’s risk of contracting and suffering the worst impacts of Covid-19. The latest advisory from the Centers for Disease Control states(1), Having any of the following serious heart conditions increases...
Top Doctor Recommends Green Tea for Stress Reduction
A universal impact of Covid-19 is stress. You don’t have to be impacted with the virus to be dealing with anxiety and panic attacks. And that’s just the beginning. It’s been widely reported that alcohol and opiate drug usage is way up as we try to cope with the...
The Skinny on Green Tea and Weight Loss
It’s been widely reported that people who are obese are more susceptible to serious health complications associated with contracting Covid-19. According to a new article in the NY Times1, “People with extra weight may struggle to mount a robust immune response to the...
Covid-19 Exposes America’s Pandemic of Poor Nutrition
As the dust settled from our initial bout with Covid-19, what was revealed is America's pandemic of poor nutrition, and how those with chronic metabolic disease are far more likely to die from Covid-19 infection. In fact, The New York Times recently published an...
Chi Tea Ultimate Green Tea: A Triple Play of Herbal Wellness
Chi Tea Ultimate Green Tea is a concentrated, standardized extract that provides a triple-play of proven antiviral, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory support. Ultimate Green Tea contains 72% concentration of the powerful catechin epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG)...
Chi Tea Immune Super Pack: Health Tonic for These Times
If there's one thing learned through the Covid experience is the importance of keeping one's immune system tuned up, despite the lack guidance from health officials about the role of nutrition in boosting immunity. According to Mark Hyman and Dariush Mozaffarian, both...
Chi Tea Green Tea Extracts: Proven Immune Builders
One thing that's certain about Covid-19 is the importance of one's individual immunity to defend against viral transmission, and the ability to recover from symptoms that arise for those who become ill. When it comes to immune boosters, there are few as studied and...
Green Tea is a Proven Fighter of Infectious Disease
With the link between Covid-19 risk and poor metabolic health becoming increasingly clear with each passing day, it's also clear that the best defense against this coronavirus is to enhance your diet and lifestyle accordingly to lose weight and enhance immunity....
When Trust is Key, Doctors Agree on Green Tea
In the midst of Coronavirus confusion, the first casualty seems to be who and what to trust to keep us and our families healthy. If we listen to U.S. health officials, the only hope to protect against Covid-19 is a vaccine, which does not yet exist. In the...
Boost Your Defenses Against Stress and Inflammation with our Potent Green Tea Extracts
The one thing we know about these times is that it's stressful. Uncertainty about what's coming next can be as stressful as illness itself. And, as we know, heightened levels of stress results in overproduction of cortisol, also know as the "fight or flight" hormone....
How Green Tea Naturally Enhances Your Defenses Against Covid-19
With debate and trials underway to determine whether the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine/chloroquine is safe and effective for Covid-19 patients, let's cut through the bluster and take a look at the benefits the drug offers to those folks struggling with the...
How Green Tea Fights Impacts of Stress
It's no secret that keeping stress at a minimum is essential to overall well-being, particularly in keeping your immune system efficiently harmonized in order to protect you from viral and other infections. Exactly how stress impacts the immune system is also well...
Herbs and Immunity: Cutting Through the Static
In light of Coronavirus, there's a lot of reporting these days about what, if anything, individuals can do to boost their immunity. Sure, there's getting enough rest, keeping stress at a minimum, and eating a variety of fresh foods. But what about supplementation? Are...
The Powerful Antiviral Benefits of Green Tea
These days we can't be too careful protecting ourselves and our families from potentially harmful germs and viruses. And while proper sanitation and self-care is essential, we can all benefit from proper nutrition and supplementation. That's where green tea comes in....