When Trust is Key, Doctors Agree on Green Tea

When Trust is Key, Doctors Agree on Green Tea

  In the midst of Coronavirus confusion, the first casualty seems to be who and what to trust to keep us and our families healthy. If we listen to U.S. health officials, the only hope to protect against Covid-19 is a vaccine, which does not yet exist. In the...
How Green Tea Fights Impacts of Stress

How Green Tea Fights Impacts of Stress

It’s no secret that keeping stress at a minimum is essential to overall well-being, particularly in keeping your immune system efficiently harmonized in order to protect you from viral and other infections. Exactly how stress impacts the immune system is also...
Herbs and Immunity: Cutting Through the Static

Herbs and Immunity: Cutting Through the Static

In light of Coronavirus, there’s a lot of reporting these days about what, if anything, individuals can do to boost their immunity. Sure, there’s getting enough rest, keeping stress at a minimum, and eating a variety of fresh foods. But what about...