Chi Tea Immune Super Pack: Health Tonic for These Times

Chi Tea Immune Super Pack: Health Tonic for These Times

If there’s one thing learned through the Covid experience is the importance of keeping one’s immune system tuned up, despite the lack guidance from health officials about the role of nutrition in boosting immunity. According to Mark Hyman and Dariush...
Chi Tea Green Tea Extracts: Proven Immune Builders

Chi Tea Green Tea Extracts: Proven Immune Builders

One thing that’s certain about Covid-19 is the importance of one’s individual immunity to defend against viral transmission, and the ability to recover from symptoms that arise for those who become ill. When it comes to immune boosters, there are few as...
Green Tea is a Proven Fighter of Infectious Disease

Green Tea is a Proven Fighter of Infectious Disease

With the link between Covid-19 risk and poor metabolic health becoming increasingly clear with each passing day, it’s also clear that the best defense against this coronavirus is to enhance your diet and lifestyle accordingly to lose weight and enhance immunity....
When Trust is Key, Doctors Agree on Green Tea

When Trust is Key, Doctors Agree on Green Tea

  In the midst of Coronavirus confusion, the first casualty seems to be who and what to trust to keep us and our families healthy. If we listen to U.S. health officials, the only hope to protect against Covid-19 is a vaccine, which does not yet exist. In the...